Web App for factory performance test#

In this guide we describe how to use the web app to perform calculations for a factory test following the ASME PTC 10 standard.

The web apps are located in the ~/ccp/app folder and are named as follows:

  • ccp_app_straight_through.py

  • ccp_app_back_to_back.py

You can run these apps by typing the following command in the terminal:

streamlit run ~/ccp/app/ccp_app_straight_through.py

Or, if you are on Windows, you can execute the batch files:

  • ccp_app_straight_through.bat

  • ccp_app_back_to_back.bat

Straight-Through App#



Back-to-Back App#

After running the app, you will see the following screen:




  • [ ] Add description of the app

  • [ ] Add description of the input parameters

  • [ ] Add description of the output parameters

  • [ ] Add description of the plots

  • [ ] Add description of the export options

  • [ ] Add explanation about leakages

  • [ ] Complete migration from equations used