
class ccp.State(*args, **kwargs)#

A thermodynamic state.

This class is inherited from CP.AbstractState. Some extra functionality has been added.

Creates a state from fluid composition and two properties. Properties can be floats (SI units are considered) or pint quantities.

pfloat, pint.Quantity


Tfloat, pint.Quantity


hfloat, pint.Quantity


sfloat, pint.Quantity


rhofloat, pint.Quantity

Specific mass


Dictionary with constituent and composition (mole fraction). (e.g.: fluid={‘Oxygen’: 0.2096, ‘Nitrogen’: 0.7812, ‘Argon’: 0.0092})

EOSstr, optional

String with REFPROP, HEOS, PR or SRK. Default is set in ccp.config.EOS



>>> import ccp
>>> Q_ = ccp.Q_
>>> fluid = {'Oxygen': 0.2096, 'Nitrogen': 0.7812, 'Argon': 0.0092}
>>> s = ccp.State(p=101008, T=273, fluid=fluid)
>>> s.rho()
<Quantity(1.28939426, 'kilogram / meter ** 3')>
>>> # Using pint quantities
>>> s = ccp.State(fluid=fluid, p=Q_(1, 'atm'), T=Q_(0, 'degC'))
>>> s.h()
<Quantity(273291.7, 'joule / kilogram')>


Bvirial(self) double#

Get the B virial coefficient - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::Bvirial(void)`

Cvirial(self) double#

Get the C virial coefficient - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::Cvirial(void)`

PIP(self) double#

Get the phase identification parameter - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::PIP`

Prandtl(self) double#

Get the Prandtl number - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::Prandtl(void)`

Q(self) double#

Get the vapor quality in mol/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::Q(void)`


Temperature in Kelvin.


Temperature (Kelvin).


Critical Temperature in K.


Critical temperature (degK).

T_reducing(self) double#

Gets the reducing temperature in K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::T_reducing`

Tmax(self) double#

Set the maximum temperature in K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::Tmax`

Tmin(self) double#

Set the minimum temperature in K- wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::Tmin`

Ttriple(self) double#

Set the triple point temperature in K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::Ttriple`

__init__(p=None, T=None, h=None, s=None, rho=None, fluid=None, EOS=None)#
acentric_factor(self) double#

Get the acentric factor - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::acentric_factor(void)`

all_critical_points(self) list#

Calculate all the critical points - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::all_critical_points`

alpha0(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::alpha0`

alphar(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::alphar`

apply_simple_mixing_rule(self, size_t i, size_t j, string model)#

Apply a simple mixing rule - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::apply_simple_mixing_rule`


Get the backend name - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::backend_name`

build_phase_envelope(self, string type)#

Build the phase envelope - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::build_phase_envelope`


Calculate the spinodal - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::build_spinodal`

change_EOS(self, size_t i, string EOS_name)#

Change the EOS for one component - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::change_EOS`

chemical_potential(self, size_t i) double#

Get the chemical potential of the i-th component - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::chemical_potential(std::size_t)`

compressibility_factor(self) double#

Get the compressibility factor Z=p/(rho*R*T) - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::compressibility_factor(void)`


Thermal conductivity (W/m/K).


Thermal conductivity (W/m/K).

conductivity_contributions(self) dict#

Retrieve each of the contributions to the conductivity, each in W/m/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::conductivity_contributions`

conformal_state(self, string reference_fluid, CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl rho) dict#

Solve for conformal state used in extended corresponding states - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::conformal_state`


Specific heat at constant pressure joule/(kilogram kelvin).


Specific heat at constant pressure joule/(kilogram kelvin).

cp0mass(self) double#

Get the ideal gas constant pressure specific heat in J/kg/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::cp0mass(void)`

cp0molar(self) double#

Get the ideal gas constant pressure specific heat in J/mol/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::cp0molar(void)`

cpmass(self) double#

Get the constant pressure specific heat in J/kg/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::cpmass(void)`

cpmolar(self) double#

Get the constant pressure specific heat in J/mol/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::cpmolar(void)`

criticality_contour_values(self) tuple#

Gets the criticality matrix values L1* and M1* - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::criticality_contour_values` Returns a tuple of (L1*, M1*)


Specific heat at constant volume joule/(kilogram kelvin).


Specific heat at constant volume joule/(kilogram kelvin).

cvmass(self) double#

Get the constant volume specific heat in J/kg/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::cvmass(void)`

cvmolar(self) double#

Get the constant volume specific heat in J/mol/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::cvmolar(void)`

d2alpha0_dDelta2(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d2alpha0_dDelta2`

d2alpha0_dDelta_dTau(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d2alpha0_dDelta_dTau`

d2alpha0_dTau2(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d2alpha0_dTau2`

d2alphar_dDelta2(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d2alphar_dDelta2`

d2alphar_dDelta_dTau(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d2alphar_dDelta_dTau`

d2alphar_dTau2(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d2alphar_dTau2`

d3alpha0_dDelta2_dTau(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alpha0_dDelta2_dTau`

d3alpha0_dDelta3(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alpha0_dDelta3`

d3alpha0_dDelta_dTau2(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alpha0_dDelta_dTau2`

d3alpha0_dTau3(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alpha0_dTau3`

d3alphar_dDelta2_dTau(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alphar_dDelta2_dTau`

d3alphar_dDelta3(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alphar_dDelta3`

d3alphar_dDelta_dTau2(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alphar_dDelta_dTau2`

d3alphar_dTau3(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d3alphar_dTau3`

d4alphar_dDelta2_dTau2(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d4alphar_dDelta2_dTau2`

d4alphar_dDelta3_dTau(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d4alphar_dDelta3_dTau`

d4alphar_dDelta4(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d4alphar_dDelta4`

d4alphar_dDelta_dTau3(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d4alphar_dDelta_dTau3`

d4alphar_dTau4(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::d4alphar_dTau4`


(dT / dp)s

First partial derivative of temperature related to pressure with constant entropy.

dalpha0_dDelta(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::dalpha0_dDelta`

dalpha0_dTau(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the ideal-gas reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::dalpha0_dTau`

dalphar_dDelta(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::dalphar_dDelta`

dalphar_dTau(self) CoolPropDbl#

Get the residual reduced Helmholtz energy - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::dalphar_dTau`

classmethod define(p=None, T=None, h=None, s=None, rho=None, fluid=None, EOS=None, **kwargs)#

Constructor for state.

Creates a state from fluid composition and two properties. Properties can be floats (SI units are considered) or pint quantities.

pfloat, pint.Quantity


Tfloat, pint.Quantity


hfloat, pint.Quantity


sfloat, pint.Quantity


rhofloat, pint.Quantity

Specific mass


Dictionary with constituent and composition. (e.g.: fluid={‘Oxygen’: 0.2096, ‘Nitrogen’: 0.7812, ‘Argon’: 0.0092}) String with REFPROP, HEOS, PR or SRK. Default is set in ccp.config.EOS



>>> import ccp
>>> Q_ = ccp.Q_
>>> fluid = {'Oxygen': 0.2096, 'Nitrogen': 0.7812, 'Argon': 0.0092}
>>> s = ccp.State.define(p=101008, T=273, fluid=fluid)
>>> s.rho()
<Quantity(1.28939426, 'kilogram / meter ** 3')>
>>> # Using pint quantities
>>> s = ccp.State.define(fluid=fluid, p=Q_(1, 'atm'), T=Q_(0, 'degC'))
>>> s.h()
<Quantity(273291.7, 'joule / kilogram')>
delta(self) double#

Get the reduced density - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::delta(void)`


Partial derivative of pressure to spec. volume with const. entropy.

first_partial_deriv(self, parameters OF, parameters WRT, parameters CONSTANT) CoolPropDbl#

Get the first partial derivative - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::first_partial_deriv`

first_saturation_deriv(self, parameters OF, parameters WRT) CoolPropDbl#

Get the first derivative along the saturation curve - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::first_saturation_deriv`

first_two_phase_deriv(self, parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant) double#

Get the first two-phase derivative - wrapper of C++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::first_two_phase_deriv`

first_two_phase_deriv_splined(self, parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant, double x_end) double#

Get the first two-phase derivative using splines - wrapper of C++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::first_two_phase_deriv_splined`


Get the list of fluid names - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::fluid_names`

fluid_param_string(self, string key)#

Get a fluid parameter string - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::fluid_param_string`

fugacity(self, size_t i) double#

Get the fugacity of the i-th component - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::fugacity(std::size_t)`

fugacity_coefficient(self, size_t i) double#

Get the fugacity coefficient of the i-th component - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::fugacity_coefficient(std::size_t)`

fundamental_derivative_of_gas_dynamics(self) double#

Get the fundamental derivative of gas dynamics - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::fundamental_derivative_of_gas_dynamics(void)`


Gas constant in joule / (mol kelvin).


Gas constant (joule / (mol kelvin).

get_binary_interaction_string(self, string CAS1, string CAS2, string parameter) string#

Get a string interaction parameter - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_binary_interaction_string`


Return a CoolProp state object.

get_fluid_constant(self, size_t i, parameters param) double#

Get a constant for a fluid in the mixture :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_fluid_constant`

get_fluid_parameter_double(self, size_t i, string parameter) double#

Get a fluid parameter that is a double-precision number - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_fluid_parameter_double`


Get the mass fractions - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_mass_fractions`


Get the mole fractions - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_mole_fractions`

get_phase_envelope_data(self) PyPhaseEnvelopeData#

Get the phase envelope data - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_phase_envelope_data`

get_spinodal_data(self) PySpinodalData#

Get the data from the spinodal - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_spinodal_data`

gibbsmass(self) double#

Get the mass-specific Gibbs energy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::gibbsmass(void)`

gibbsmass_excess(self) double#

Get the mass-specific excess Gibbs energy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::gibbsmass_excess(void)`

gibbsmolar(self) double#

Get the mole-specific Gibbs energy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::gibbsmolar(void)`

gibbsmolar_excess(self) double#

Get the mole-specific excess Gibbs energy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::gibbsmolar_excess(void)`

gibbsmolar_residual(self) double#

Get the mole-specific residual Gibbs energy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::gibbsmolar_residual(void)`


Specific Enthalpy (joule/kilogram).


Enthalpy (joule/kilogram).

has_melting_line(self) bool#

Check if the fluid has a melting line - True if is does, False otherwise - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::has_melting_line`

helmholtzmass(self) double#

Get the mass-specific Helmholtz energy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::helmholtzmass(void)`

helmholtzmass_excess(self) double#

Get the mass-specific excess Helmholtz energy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::helmholtzmass_excess(void)`

helmholtzmolar(self) double#

Get the mole-specific Helmholtz energy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::helmholtzmolar(void)`

helmholtzmolar_excess(self) double#

Get the mole-specific excess Helmholtz energy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::helmholtzmolar_excess(void)`

hmass(self) double#

Get the enthalpy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::hmass(void)`

hmass_excess(self) double#

Get the mass-specific excess enthalpy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::hmass_excess(void)`

hmolar(self) double#

Get the enthalpy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::hmolar(void)`

hmolar_excess(self) double#

Get the mole-specific excess enthalpy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::hmolar_excess(void)`

hmolar_residual(self) double#

Get the mole-specific residual enthalpy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::hmolar_residual(void)`

ideal_curve(self, string type) tuple#

Get an ideal curve - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::ideal_curve`

isobaric_expansion_coefficient(self) double#

Get the isobaric expansion coefficient - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::isobaric_expansion_coefficient(void)`

isothermal_compressibility(self) double#

Get the isothermal_compressibility - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::isothermal_compressibility(void)`


Isentropic temperature exponent (dimensionless).


Isentropic temperature exponent (dimensionless).

keyed_output(self, parameters iOutput) double#

Get a keyed output :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::keyed_output(parameters key)`


Kinematic viscosity in m²/s.


Kinematic viscosity (m²/s)


Isentropic volume exponent (dimensionless).


Isentropic volume exponent (dimensionless).

melting_line(self, int param, int given, double value) double#

Get values from the melting line - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::melting_line`


Molar mass in kg/mol.


Molar mass (kg/mol).


Get the mole fractions of the liquid phase - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::mole_fractions_liquid(void)`


Get the mole fractions of the vapor phase - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::mole_fractions_vapor(void)`


Get the fluid name - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::name`


Pressure in Pascal.


Pressure (pascal).


Critical Pressure in Pa.


Critical pressure (Pa).

phase(self) phases#

Get the phase as key value- wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::phase`

plot_envelope(T_units='degK', p_units='Pa', dew_point_margin=20, fig=None, **kwargs)#

Plot phase envelope.

Plots the phase envelope and dew point limit.


Temperature units. Default is ‘degK’.


Pressure units. Default is ‘Pa’.


Dew point margin. Default is 20 degK (from API). Unit is the same as T_units.

figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional

The figure object with the rotor representation.


The figure object with the rotor representation.

plot_point(T_units='degK', p_units='Pa', fig=None, **kwargs)#

Plot point.

Plot point in the given figure. Function will check for axis units and plot the point accordingly.


Temperature units. Default is ‘degK’.


Pressure units. Default is ‘Pa’.

figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional

The figure object with the rotor representation.


Dictionary that will be passed to go.Scatter method.


The figure object with the rotor representation.

pmax(self) double#

Set the maximum pressure in Pa - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::pmax`


Specific mass (kilogram/m**3).


Specific mass (kilogram/m**3).

rhomass(self) double#

Get the density in kg/m^3 - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::rhomass(void)`

rhomass_critical(self) double#

Gets the critical density in kg/m^3 - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::rhomass_critical`

rhomass_reducing(self) double#

Gets the reducing density in kg/m^3 - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::rhomass_reducing`

rhomolar(self) double#

Get the density in mol/m^3 - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::rhomolar(void)`

rhomolar_critical(self) double#

Gets the critical density in mol/m^3 - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::rhomolar_critical`

rhomolar_reducing(self) double#

Gets the reducing density in mol/m^3 - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::rhomolar_reducing`


Specific entropy (per unit of mass).


Entropy (joule/(kelvin kilogram)).

saturated_liquid_keyed_output(self, parameters iOutput) double#

Get a trivial output for the saturated liquid :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::saturated_liquid_keyed_output(parameters key)`

saturated_vapor_keyed_output(self, parameters iOutput) double#

Get a trivial output for the saturated vapor :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::saturated_vapor_keyed_output(parameters key)`

saturation_ancillary(self, parameters param, int Q, parameters given, double value) double#

Get values from the saturation_ancillary - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::saturation_ancillary`

second_partial_deriv(self, parameters OF, parameters WRT1, parameters CONSTANT1, parameters WRT2, parameters CONSTANT2) CoolPropDbl#

Get the second partial derivative - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::second_partial_deriv`

second_saturation_deriv(self, parameters OF1, parameters WRT1, parameters WRT2) CoolPropDbl#

Get the second derivative along the saturation curve - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::second_saturation_deriv`

second_two_phase_deriv(self, parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, parameters Constant1, parameters Wrt2, parameters Constant2) double#

Get the second two-phase derivative - wrapper of C++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::second_two_phase_deriv`

set_fluid_parameter_double(self, size_t i, string parameter, double val)#

Set a fluid parameter that is a double-precision number - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::set_fluid_parameter_double`

set_mass_fractions(self, vector[double] z)#

Set the mass fractions - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::set_mass_fractions`

set_mole_fractions(self, vector[double] z)#

Set the mole fractions - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::set_mole_fractions`

set_volu_fractions(self, vector[double] z)#

Set the volume fractions - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::set_volu_fractions`

smass(self) double#

Get the entropy in J/kg/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::smass(void)`

smass_excess(self) double#

Get the mass-specific excess entropy in J/kg/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::smass_excess(void)`

smolar(self) double#

Get the entropy in J/mol/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::smolar(void)`

smolar_excess(self) double#

Get the mole-specific excess entropy in J/mol/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::smolar_excess(void)`

smolar_residual(self) double#

Get the mole-specific residual entropy in J/mol/K - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::smolar_residual(void)`

specify_phase(self, phases phase)#

Specify the phase - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::specify_phase`


Speed of sound - Eq. 8.1 from P. Nederstigt - Real Gas Thermodynamics.


Speed of sound (m/s).

surface_tension(self) double#

Get the surface tension N/m - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::surface_tension(void)`

tangent_plane_distance(self, double T, double p, vector[double] w, double rhomolar_guess=-1) double#

Gets the tangent_plane_distance - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::tangent_plane_distance`

tau(self) double#

Get the reciprocal reduced temperature - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::tau(void)`

trivial_keyed_output(self, parameters iOutput) double#

Get a trivial keyed output not requiring any iteration :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::trivial_keyed_output(parameters key)`

true_critical_point(self) tuple#

Get the “true” critical point where dp/drho|T = 0 & d2p/drho^2|T = 0 - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::true_critical_point`

umass(self) double#

Get the internal energy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::umass(void)`

umass_excess(self) double#

Get the mass-specific excess internal energy in J/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::umass_excess(void)`

umolar(self) double#

Get the internal energy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::umolar(void)`

umolar_excess(self) double#

Get the mole-specific excess internal energy in J/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::umolar_excess(void)`


Unspecify the phase - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::unspecify_phase`

update(p=None, T=None, rho=None, h=None, s=None, **kwargs)#

Update the state.

This method simplifies the state update. Only keyword arguments are required to update.

pfloat, pint.Quantity

Pressure (Pa).

Tfloat, pint.Quantity

Temperature (degK).

rhofloat, pint.Quantity

Specific mass (kg/m**3).

hfloat, pint.Quantity

Enthalpy (J/kg).

sfloat, pint.Quantity

Entropy (J/(kg*degK)).

update_with_guesses(self, input_pairs ipair, double Value1, double Value2, PyGuessesStructure guesses)#

Update function - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::update`


Specific volume (m**3/kilogram).


Specific volume (m**3/kilogram).


Viscosity in pascal second.


Viscosity (pascal second)

viscosity_contributions(self) dict#

Retrieve each of the contributions to the viscosity, each in Pa-s - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::viscosity_contributions`

volumemass_excess(self) double#

Get the mass-specific excess volume in m^3/kg - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::volumemass_excess(void)`

volumemolar_excess(self) double#

Get the mole-specific excess volume in m^3/mol - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::volumemolar_excess(void)`


Compressibility (dimensionless).


Compressibility (dimensionless).



Get a double precision interaction parameter - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::get_binary_interaction_double`


Set a double precision interaction parameter - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::set_binary_interaction_double`


Set a string interaction parameter - wrapper of c++ function :cpapi:`CoolProp::AbstractState::set_binary_interaction_string`